Run of the mill visitor management solutions are woefully inadequate when it comes to all of the extra functionality needed to manage and track vendors, contractors and temporary employees. Typically these visitors need much more service than a typical visitor. They may require access cards to gain entry to the areas in which they are contracted to work. Ideally, they are tracked throughout your facility so that if an incident occurs you can quickly determine who was involved. Additionally, you should track when they come and go so that you can be sure that their hourly bills are accurate.
We have taken these issues and many others into account when building the additional Contractor, Vendor and Temporary Employee functionality into our already robust Lobby Management system. We have created these modules to provide a simple yet powerful way to provide the service that your contractors and vendors need to be more efficient and allow them to do their job more economically. At the same time, we provide you with potent management tools that you can use to keep third parties in check and maintain the peace of mind knowing that you are carefully monitoring their on-site visits to your facilities.
Contractors, Vendors and Temp Employees are important to your company's productivity. Managing them efficiently is equally as important. From construction and utility workers to engineers and marketing professionals, our products will help you track on-the-job hours, work tendencies and productivity of your entire contract-worker team.

RemoteLobby Contractor incorporates visitor management functions plus contractor-specific capabilities and can track and manage time spent onsite.
Upon initial check-in (and thereafter if required), allows you to mandate acknowledgement (or proof) of on-file Proof-of-Insurance paperwork, plus a Non-Disclosure Agreement, Emergency Procedures document, Safety Video, etc. Features available include:
Automated Check In and Check-Out
Automated Host Notification Upon Arrival
Track and Report on Time Spent Onsite
Provide Site Specific Information
Provide them with Assistance using the Remote Reception module
Send them Notifications with the Digital Signage module
Provide them with Navigational Guidance throughout your facility
Proof of Insurance Validation
Provide Expanded or Restricted Access Control
Mobile Badging and Access Control

RemoteLobby Vendor incorporates the visitor management functions plus vendor-specific capabilities and can track and manage time spent onsite. It features more specific driver/vendor data capture and unique host notification functionality.
When your vendors pull up to the loading docks, be informed and aware of their presence and generate reports of all sorts about which vendors are onsite at what times and in which locations, and for how long. Even analyze the delivery trends and tendencies of your suppliers and vendors.
Features available include:
Automated Check In and Check-Out
Automated Host Notification Upon Arrival
Time and Attendance Tracking
Provide Site Specific Information
Provide them with Assistance using the Remote Reception module
Send them Notifications with the Digital Signage module
Provide them with Navigational Guidance throughout your facility
Proof of Insurance Validation
Mobile Badging
Access Control Integration. We have interfaces for Lenel OnGuard, Software House C-CURE, AMAG Symmetry and Honeywell Pro-Watch. Take advantage of our Lighthouse™ integration product which adds functionality to your access control system that you never knew was possible. Features like OneTimeEntry™ and HostBadgeActivation™ are made available through your access control system.™™

RemoteLobby TempEmployee incorporates our full visitor management capabilities plus temporary employee-specific capabilities, such as expanded (or restricted, as the case may be) access control.
​Track and Report on Time Spent Onsite
​Automated Check-In and Check-Out
​​Automated Host Notification Upon Arrival
Time and Attendance Tracking
Provide Site Specific Information
Provide them with Assistance using the Remote Reception module
Provide them with Navigational Guidance throughout your facility
Mobile Badging and Access Control
Provide Expanded or Restricted Access Control
Track and manage time spent onsite, notify individuals or groups of hosts upon arrival (and departure). This robust product extension supports mobile badging and access control.